Some Birding Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Here you’ll answers to some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about birds and birding. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, check out our Contact Us page and send us your questions.
- How do I join or donate to the Bird Alliance of Central New Mexico?
Please visit our “Join/Donate” page to find out how to join or to make a donation to BACNM.
- I’ve found an injured bird, what do I do?
Before you do anything watch the bird for a bit. Sometimes birds are simply stunned after hitting a window and need a bit of time to recover before they resume their normal activities. Watch the bird carefully for about 5-10 minutes. Be watchful that no cats or other predators are stalking the bird while it recovers. If it still hasn’t moved then call a wildlife rescue agency. Our local wildlife rescue/rehabilitation resources include Wildlife Rescue of New Mexico – (505) 344-2500, whose phone message provides detailed information, Hawks Aloft – (505) 999-7740, On A Wing and a Prayer – (505) 897-0439 or (505) 480-7777, and Talking Talons.
- What should I do if I find a baby bird?
Not all baby birds need to be rescued. Some have left the nest normally and are still being tended by their parents while they build their strength on the ground. Very young birds may need to be returned to the nest. Please click on this informative web page from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology to get more information and tips.
- I need help identifying a bird.
Bird identification takes practice and luck. We have several resources for bird identification on our website under Trips & Birding, including the Cornell Lab of Ornithology which has a “Bird ID” tool on their website. If you are able to use a smartphone app, there are several listed in our resources that provide step by step identification tools. If you are still stumped, you can us the Contact Us form on our website to describe the bird, where you found it, and what it was doing. We will try to provide some suggestions.
- There is a bird that’s attacking me every time I go near a certain tree or building. How can I stop this?
The bird undoubtedly has a nest in the area and is trying to protect it. It would be best to avoid the area until after nesting season, when the behavior will stop. Most birds are simply trying to keep you away and not intending to hurt you. If you must be near the bird’s nest, use caution and protect yourself from the bird using a blanket or trash can lid above your head. Most birds and bird nest are protected under federal law, so do not attempt to move or remove the nest, or physically deter the bird. And be happy that baby birds are on the way!
- What’s the law about feeding pigeons in Albuquerque?
Feeding pigeons is against the law in Albuquerque, but there are nuances and explanations for what might sound excessively regulatory. Information about this ordinance, which became effective July 1, 2011, can be found on the City of Albuquerque’s Urban Biology Division webpage. If you still have questions after checking out the City Web site and the ordinance, you are encouraged to call the City Urban Biology Division at (505) 452-5301.
- How do I learn more about birds and bird-watching?
There are many birding resources on our website under Trips & Birding. You can also read our newsletter, The Burrowing Owl, found on our website. Please attend the Bird Alliance of Central New Mexico monthly meetings and join us on our field trips and bird walks – these are great places to ask questions and further your bird knowledge and identification skills. Participate with other birders in Community Science and bird census events like the Christmas Bird Count or the Great Backyard Bird Count. Attend on-line seminars or read about birding on the website of the National Audubon Society, the American Birding Association, and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Or listen to a birding podcast. There are many ways to learn!
- How can I feed birds at my home?
Creating a bird buffet is a good way to help birds and bring them close to you for observation and enjoyment. In most cases, feeding is beneficial to birds but there are some things to know about the potential for harm for different species. Learn about the pros and cons of feeding birds from the National Audubon Society. If you choose to provide food (and water!) for birds at your home, learn as much as you can about the birds that might be present at different times of the year in your community and the different types of diets needed by each species. You can choose to offer only one type of food, or a variety to attract more species. Make sure that free-roaming cats do not have access to your yard and keep your own cat indoors. Dogs can also prey on birds at feeders, so block their access as well. Be prepared that natural predators, like hawks and owls, learn where feeders are and will stake out feeders to find prey. Local bird feeding stores are great resources for learning more, as is the National Audubon Society and the National Wildlife Foundation.
- I would like to find a birding travel guide but I don’t know where to find one. Who provides this service?
The American Birding Association offers guided birding trips. The American Bird Conservancy offers birding resources such as tour guide recommendations and detailed route guides for self-guided travel.
- How can I volunteer with the Bird Alliance of Central New Mexico?
We are always looking for help from volunteers. Currently there are opportunities helping with educational outreach events and programs, supporting our conservation and environmental activities, participating in bird surveys and fundraising bird counts, leading bird walks and more. Please use the form on our Contact Us page letting us know if you have any special interests and we will get back to you.