Click here to download a PDF of the Birdathon Flyer.


Can I participate in the Birdathon if I’m new to birding? 

Absolutely!  Our goal is to encourage everyone to get outside and appreciate birds while helping us do our work. Exact identification of bird species is not expected. Enthusiasm, educated guesses and learning as you go are the goals! 

What if I can’t go birding but I want to support the effort?

Aren’t you sweet!  We welcome general support for the Birdathon from anyone. Please visit our Join/Donate page and submit a donation using our donate form.  Feel free to check the Comment box and tell us why you support Birdathon.  You can also send a check to the address on the flyer.

How can I learn more about birding?

Learning is fuel for the soul!  Visit our Birding page to find resources for bird identification, bird sounds, birding apps and website, binoculars, photography, birding locations and events, and more. 

Do I have to use an eBird checklist to participate?

No.  Although we encourage people to learn how to use eBird, you can make your own list of birds and send it to us by email or U.S. mail. eBird is a smartphone or web-based tool used by birders all over the world to submit their bird sightings to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. The results are used to support conservation efforts.  Learn more and get Help here:

What will you do with the money raised from Birdathon?

We will do great things!  Money raised will be used to support the mission of our chapter.  This includes hosting community birding events and trips, education about birds and conservation, habitat restoration, youth birding, and conservation advocacy.

Do I need a certain pledge amount to participate?

Nope.  We appreciate any amount donated to support our work. You can pledge your own amount or you can collect pledges from your family or friends.  

Do I need to form a team to participate?

No. Solo participants are welcome. Sometimes it’s fun to just hang out with birds! 

I want to practice birding before Birdathon – how can I do that?

Come on down!  Check our Calendar and join us for a community bird outings where we will assist you with binoculars, bird identification, bird sounds, and more. Find information on our Birding page about Thursday Birders and Monthly Birding Events on Saturdays.

What if I go birding and don’t see very many birds?

Birds can sometimes be shy. It helps to go birding on a sunny day without wind. Use our Birding page to find good birding spots, or hang out in your yard or neighborhood park.  If you don’t see many birds on the day you pick, you can try again on another day.  Please submit the birds you found in a single 24 hour period. 

What if I have more questions?

Please contact our Birdathon Coordinator at